Sunday, November 25, 2007

Mountain West Champs

That would be BYU. The #1 team in the conference. Thank you very much. I must say that I never thought the title would mean so much to me but once you eat, sleep, and breath cougar pride you start to understand. Jessie and I were traveling back Saturday so we didn't see the game and couldn't find a station broadcasting it but I was fully invested and it paid off.
In other news: Thanksgiving was very good, I really enjoyed being home. Coming back is a bit of a drag but there's only a few weeks left so I think I can make it.


wezefire said...

Thanks giving is one of my favorite holidays... just because its be American day... you eat a lot... you sleep a lot... you play games with you family. Its pretty sweet. Analisa said she was going to stay in Utah for thanksgiving, but then she suprised and showed up in sterling. Im glad you had a good time. Too bad we were 45 mins away from eachother but didn't get to say hi. I feel bad cuz I didn't get to say hi to dave either cuz I could only stay for one day...

Mike J said...

You should hear all the utes whine about the game. . . just sickening. They'd better start getting used to losing! It's a cougar dominance dynasty!