Tuesday was cram day on the qualitative design for Pl Sc 200, it was due at five and since I didn't have New Testament this week, after I did laundry Hilary and I spent most of the day finishing them. What a relief it was to finally have them done. To reward myself I decided to go see Despicable Me since it was dollar night. I sent out a mass text and at first I thought there were a bunch of people coming, but gradually they flaked off until it was just me and my friend Jackie, fortunately we are the only members of the awesome club, so we just made it a club activity.
Wednesday it was back to class and work all day, trying to get in a little studying for my bio and Pl Sc 200 exams. I believe it was Wednesday that I finally did my voting but I'm not sure.
Thursday was a lot more studying during the day and then it was off to the temple with my Elders quorum. Three of us went and did baptisms which was something I haven't done in a long, long time. It was a very busy night at the Provo temple.
Friday morning on my way to the crabtree after bio I turned on the Eye of the Tiger to prepare myself for the midterm in 200. Unfortunately you cannot have orange soda in the auditorium where we have class, but I think I still did ok. Then there were more classes to go to and finally off to the testing center for Biology. This time the vending machine that sells orange soda was broken! imagine my frustration, so I got a sprite and went to work. I felt pretty good about it and got a 90% on the multiple choice, and this time I made sure I finished all the short answer, so I it should be better than the last exam. After finishing the test I ran down to Jenn's house in the elms to enlist her help in my halloween costume for work that night. We were the three little pigs and the big bad wolf, since I work with three girls I was the wolf. After work finished around 9:30 Lyndi and I had to change out of our costumes so we could go on our double date. Lyndi went with my old roommate Tyler, who picked us up from the Wilk. Then we went back to Wyview and picked up Elizabeth and then it was off to the Peaks ice arena for a wonderful ice skating time.
Saturday I allowed myself to sleep for a while to recoup from the week. We had a building halloween activity in conjuncture with building 25 around noon. Saturday night Gordy, Brooke, and I went to Erin and Sam's for a murder mystery dinner. We had a lot of fun. I ended up being the murderer. After Gordy and Brooke dropped me off I went to the Wyview halloween dance for a little bit.
And thus ends another week in the life of Ben Nielsen.
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