Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Oh Lord, My God

Here's a little poem/song lyrics that I started way back on my mission and just recently finished up the last stanza.

Oh Lord, My God, as I struggle through this pain
I feel the need to ask, is it really for my gain
and I think of Lehi, and I think of Alma too
and remember that like me, prayer is all they had to do
they cried, Oh Lord, My God, my son has gone astray
in this dark and dreary world, he has simply lost his way
As he wanders this night, in the darkness all alone
I pray that thou wilt help him, find his way back home
I plead, Oh Lord, My God, Where’s the lesson for  me?
is it to help me, gain understanding of Thee?
and how thou must have felt, when Thy son rebelled on High
choosing to fall from grace, and eternally to die
Oh Lord, My God, how did thou stand the pain?
The earth must have been flooded, as thy tears fell down like rain
and then sent thine other son, to die for my son’s sin
that through choices he might triumph, the victory to win
Oh Lord, My God, thou whose love know no bounds
whose mercy and compassion, are one eternal round
I thank the this night, for the comfort of my soul
and pray through thy grace, that my son may be made whole

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